The Saudis wear their headdresses in many styles, some to do with fashion, some for practicality. These guys were very willing to show me some of the variations. Another card could be easily filled with more styles!

The Hijaz railway ran from Damascus to Medina and we have followed it from Tabuk to Al Ula (close to Madain Saleh). These images are just a few of the shots taken of still in-tact railway carts, buildings and an engine. Some lie in the desert, some pieces in a small saudi-style outdoor museum.
Saudi is very much drowning in household rubbish. When you first arrive its a bit of a shock, then it becomes the norm. Here are just a few examples of the distribution and collection. The man with the bike will likely sell cardboard or plastics he has collected. The man sitting down in the green uniform in the back of the rubbish truck has his hand on a child's buggy. It is possible he has reclaimed it from his rubbish collection rounds to send back to his own child in his country, a child he might not have yet seen or see for several years.

Although the Saudis are not too worried about how the rubbish looks they do like fantastical roundabouts! Here is a giant hand holding wheat, a pomegranate (known locally as pineapple roundabout as that's what it looks like), coffee pots, a lightning aircraft, a tank, more wheat, an octopus with tentacles curled around prey and two other unidentified designs!